Well, hello! We meet again. It's so nice to replant my feet firmly on this familiar Norrathian soil.

I'm Amnerys, and I'll be your EQII Community Manager for the next part of our journey.

Let's just get this one thing out of the way -- It's pronounced "am-NAIR-iss." The name comes from an opera, which gives you a little peek into my character (both in-game and IRL). I play a dirge in Norrath, but also spent half of my college career studying music. The other half was dedicated to journalism, and a good part of my free time went to this little game called EverQuest. You may have heard of it. /wink

Since I wrote the intro linked above, I've worked my way up to a full-fledged Community Manager. (Yay! And, phew!) Other than that, the old introduction still fits pretty well. Over the past two years, my work duties have had me floating between EverQuest, EverQuest II, EverQuest Online Adventures, Vanguard and Star Wars: Galaxies, but the game that I have personally played the longest is EverQuest II. It's nice to be home.

My mischievous dwarven manager, Brasse, has decreed that I share a photo, so that those of you who might run into me at Fan Faire, Block Party or any other of the events we attend, will know who I am. First, look down. (I'm only 5' tall, hehe.) And then you might see this face. If you do, you can say "Hi, Amnerys!" or "Hi, Tiffany!"

I'm looking forward to seeing you in Norrath! If you have any questions for me, please feel free to leave them at the forum link below, and I'll do my best to answer them. Safe journeys!