In Sentinel's Fate, there will be two new overland zones as well as a whole slew of new dungeons. We'll be starting our zone previews for the expansion with the first of the two new overland zones - The Sundered Frontier. As one of the first zones adventurers will encounter, it is designed for adventurers level 80-85. There are over 150 new quests to do while exploring this rich and beautiful zone. Odus has a long, colorful history. The erudites from the City of Erudin and the City of Paineel were at odds long before the breaking. Add to that the Kejak and the mysterious Hua Mein, long thought to be extinct.
Places of note:
The City of Paineel - Traditionally the home to the "outcasts" of Erudin, Paineel continues to embrace more esoteric arts. Ruled by a council of four individuals, they have turned from religion and embraced science, even going so far as to include Necromancy as an approved form of scientific study. Within Paineel are the Knights of the Fell Blade - The primary military force within the city; The Seekers of Dark Truth - Those who study the "science" of Necromancy; and the Bastion of the Tranquil - Erudites who fled the City of Erudin but still hold to the older ways.
Kerra Isle - Once the stomping grounds for young adventurers and erudites who wanted to slay some kerrans, Kerra Isle has changed a bit. The kerrans of old still make their home here, but now share the island with the Kejak. They have amiable relations with their fellow felines, but unlike the kerrans, wish to attack and drive away the erudites who live nearby.
Toxxulia Forest - Always a dark and foreboding place, Toxxulia Forest has been most affected by the changes to Odus. With the opening of the Vault of Living Stone, the underfoot's influence has seeped throughout the forest causing the vegetation to mutate and has even affected the dragon mistress of the forest, Toxxulia herself.
Hua Mein Village - Tucked away and well hidden, the mysterious pandamen can be found here. Little is known about these creatures.
From Gninja:
Carlos "Gninja" Mora headed up the creation of this zone. So we tied him to his chair and withheld the redbull and rice krispie treats until he spilled the beans! Kudos to Gninja and all of our artists who did such great work in the Sundered Frontier.
What sort of feel were you trying to give players with this zone?
I was definitely going for an overall feel that the Underfoot was having an interesting influence on this part of Odus. The areas around the observatory, being closer to the location of the Hole, have gotten the brunt of the transformation to the landscape with the once lush and beautiful trees now petrified and the grass nearly completely barren. Areas further away from the Hole have not seen quite as much transformation but the landscape has been a bit twisted with the opposite end of the continent being pulled by an unfamiliar foe to the erudites.
What’s your favourite part of the Sundered Frontier?
By far, the area I like the most in Sundered Frontier is Toxxulia’s Reach. This is the area right outside Toxxulia’s Mound where the poison dragon, Toxxulia, is being held captive. She has definitely had her influence become a major part of making Toxxulia Forest what it has become. The unique trees and plant life in the area are really quite stunning.
If players see NOTHING else in the zone, what one thing would you tell them to make sure they saw?
The Eye of Dartain observatory has a contraption being used to spy on Stonebrunt Highlands that cycles through many of the Stonebrunt Highland areas. It cycles through different images while moving lenses and reconfiguring the magical contraption to change the image being displayed. If you do nothing else, check that out and watch it cycle through the different images. The images and the contraption animations are amazing!
What’s the best part of the story in the Sundered Frontier, from your point of view?
Without giving too much away from the story players will experience through in the Sundered Frontier, there is a really good story between the Paineel erudites and the pandamen race known as the Hua Mein. Little is known about the race and this is partially due to the fact that the erudites nearly wiped out the race from the continent. The Hua Mein would very much like to keep the erudites believing they did indeed wipe them out but as time goes on it becomes harder and harder to hide their existence.
Imagey Goodness!
Desktoppy Goodness!