Now that the frosty days of Frostfell are well behind us, a young Norrathian turns to thoughts of love. Who better to steer and nurture those thoughts than the goddess of love herself? Thus, it is with great pleasure that we bring you this year's Erollisi Day celebrations!

The Swornlove twins have returned to Norrath! They need your help again to spread the love.

Many quests from previous years will be returning, including: Dalron's Pick-Up Lines (with a few updated prospects), Love Loot (candies and love notes that can be used for crafting and currency with merchants), Titles for being the most romantic!

There are also several new and exciting additions for this year! There are new items for tradeskillers to craft!

There are rugs, tapestries, and shrubberies, Oh My! There is also a new mission from the Swornlove Twins. It seems there is a mystery a-brewin' with the Sisterhood of Erollisi! Make sure to investigate and see what the followers of Erollisi Marr are getting into this year.