Fizzle Oggleboom's Foreman Journal

Day One

This is the best day of my life!  The Overlord has chosen me and my crew to start work on an exciting top secret project.  He didn't say what we'd be getting paid, but we all made it out of the meeting alive, so I count that as a win.

Day Two

Sweet Innoruuk!  The earth around the docks here in the Commonlands is nearly impossibly to dig.  How are we supposed to go through rock?

Day Three

Turns out Ol' Davey's little brother is a warlock.  He came out and blasted some stone for us.  Good thing, too.  Morale was starting to droop a bit, what with the hungry-looking ogres the Overlord sent with Lord Blayze to "check on" our progress...  It wasn't fun asking him for more supplies.

Day Four

"Finest building crew in Norrath" my happy gnomish...  Ahem.  The Overlord is not pleased with our progress.  Seems he expects us to start work on the "water portion" of the project tomorrow.


Day Five

Water portion!!  Water portion he says... HAH!  That walking corpse has another think coming if he thinks that we're going to be able to...


Chief Engineer Bairgen's Foreman Journal

Day One

The biggest building contract just fell into my lap.  Seems the previous foreman had an unfortunate accident...


Director Jasmine's Build Journal

Day One

This is the best day of my life!  Not only do I get the opportunity to further beautify the glorious coast of Antonica, I got to meet Queen Antonia!  She's amazing. 

Day Two

I can't believe how quickly this job is going.  The ground practically digs itself.  At this rate we'll be done far ahead of schedule.  The Queen will be so pleased!  I love her clothes!

Day Three

Queen Antonia came to the docks today in person to check on our progress!  She was very pleased and she even touched my shoulder!  EEEK!  She's the greatest person ever.  I want to be just like her.  I wonder if she'll give me her autograph...

Day Four

I was right!  We finished ahead of schedule.  I gave the crew the day off as a reward.  The next phase is super secret and the Queen will be telling us what it is herself when the time comes.  I wonder if I can get my hair to look like hers... It's so shiny!

Day Five

We're all back to work and ready to go with phase two of the big project.  The Queen said she'd like to come down and let us all know what it is and thank us for all our hard work in person.  She is so nice!