With so many posts happening in the EQII Official Forums at all times, it can be very hard to keep up with them all, and very easy to miss some real gems and opportunities to share. Have no fear though; the Treasure Chest is here to highlight interesting, unusual, and humorous posts, as well as opportunities to help your fellow player with a question or two!

Treasure of Knowledge!

Fear is spreading throughout Norrath and the workings of the faceless can be felt by many... Have you heard of the legend of the Shard of Fear? What might you know of that terrifying place? Sinful One has asked about this and more. If you have any information at all to give to prepare for that dreadful time, let your fellow adventurers know!

Tradeskills can sometimes be confusing, especially when they involve the magical arts. In attempting to be a sage, Maalek's had some troubles and they want to hear your input, in hopes of easing that process.

A great general question was raised by Yannos... "More less distinct classes or less VERY specific classes"? What's your view? Do you prefer to be more directed in your class's actions or do you prefer it to be more clouded, granting more chance for you to choose your own direction?

"Is it worth playing without AA's?" is a great question raised this week from demonevs. Is your playstyle dependant on such additional abilities or can you play without them?

Development is indeed a maddening alchemy, one that really depends on balance of difficulty to repetition. Sotanyavejin has asked about this process this week, to seek your opinion in their "Tedious != Challenging" thread.

Lore Galore!

The background of Arasai has certainly been a mystery, and many have asked of that evil process that Queen Cristanos underwent to create those evil mirrors of the Fae. Thankfully, there's been recent information addition in Sapphirius's thread, shedding some light to the process... but then raises further questions.

The actions and thoughts of immortals are indeed twisted and unusual, but still something that should be paid attention to by mere mortals. What's going on with the undead, overthrown leader of the Iksar, Venril Sathir and the once a god, now an immortal vampire lord, Mayong Mistmoore? They were known to be allied in the past... what of today?

A Feast for the Senses!

Calthine's educated deductions have given us a proof positive means to see whether or not that fellow crafting next to you is a 'bot or not!

Did we happen to miss anything of note over this past week of informational or entertaining note? Did you simply want to chat about this recent Treasure Chest? You can do so here in the EQII Official Forums!