The EU PvP merge of Darathar, Gorenaire, and Talendor to Venekor is now complete!

The server is now going live and you will be able to log into it soon. While the merge process has been smooth, one bug has been identified that will go live with the server. We want to share the details of it ahead of time so everyone knows what to expect.

Players who created characters on the EU PvP servers, and the US PvP servers that now find their accounts over the normal cap have been grandfathered into the system. What this means is that you won't lose any characters you have created, up to a cap of 12 characters per account on Venekor

It does not mean that all players on the newly merged Venekor server can now create 12 total characters. If you had four characters in Europe and three on Venekor, your account will now cap out at seven Venekor characters as an example.

An unforeseen bug has crept into the code during the merge process, and players who are above the normal cap for characters can delete those characters and make new ones at the higher cap. This was not the intent for the merger process, and is going to be mended in a hotfix tomorrow.

That said, players on Venekor that are currently over the limit when the server comes back up can currently delete and create new characters above the cap. When the hotfix goes live tomorrow, any newly created characters above the cap on an account will be inaccessible. If you are above the normal cap and want to create a character, you must delete enough characters to get an open slot within the normal allowance. The extra slots will be lost.

This ensures that accounts who are not on a raised cap due to the merger are on equal footing concerning characters made from here forward. Please be advised that you should not delete old characters and make new ones to replace them if you are looking to keep your older characters accessible. The "Extra slots" only apply to pre-existing characters.