The merge of the European PvP servers (Darathar, Gorenaire, and Talendor) to Venekor is now in its last stages of behind the scenes activity. Provided everything continues to progress well people will be able to log into Venekor before the day's end. With that in mind, let's review a few things to make sure everyone is aware of what they are going to find.

If you are from an EU server and now find yourself on Venekor:
  • Your guild will remain intact; you need not worry about that.
  • Your name may have issues if it used any special characters, or is a duplicate of a name already on Venekor. Please wait until May 8th, and file a petition at: to obtain a new one.
  • Be sure to re-place any vendor items in your home (pick them up and put them back down).
  • Your UI settings will need to be manually moved from the folder on your computer for the EU region to the folder for the US region and reapplied by loading them with the /load_uisettings command.
  • If you now find yourself with more than six characters on Venekor due to having six there already, and six more on the EU PvP servers, your account will be grandfathered to allow you to keep all 12 as long as they remain on Venekor.
  • You are still welcome to transfer your characters (two moves max per character) in the week of free character transfers that begins at 12:01 AM PDT on May 1st.
If you are already a player on Venekor:
  • If you now find yourself with more than six characters on Venekor due to having six there already, and six more on the EU PvP servers, your account will be grandfathered to allow you to keep all 12 on Venekor.
  • You are still welcome to transfer your characters (two moves max per character) in the week of free character transfers that begins at 12:01 AM PDT on May 1st.
  • Everything else should remain as you left it.
To all players originating from, or arriving on Venekor: Thank you for your patience through all of this. The EQII dev team worked very hard to ensure that we had the best possible solution to the populations on the EU PvP servers, and that this merge process would run as smoothly as possible. We hope that the end result is more competition for all players and guilds involved. Happy hunting!