If you recall from our GU33 Preview, there are a lot of exciting new things coming into the game with the update. Deathfist Citadel has been revamped, the Swords of Destiny quest line enters its second chapter, Butcherblock receives some new quests, the macro system gets an overhaul, and there is a new class hat for every Conjurer. Let's take a quick look at some of the new content!

Deathfist Citadel - Revised!

Adventurers who brave the challenge of Deathfist Citadel will find that the zone has new residents, quests, and rewards waiting! The orcs of the Deathfist Empire have made many changes to their citadel in order to strengthen its defenses.

New Conjurer Hat

Conjurers can visit the Hoolah and exchange their current class hat for the new appearance if they so choose. Here are a pair of images showing off the new look.

Macro System Overhaul

The macro system for the game has been completely revisited and simplified. If you have never used this system for your character, now is the time to check it out. There are a number of new functionality options that make the macro's easy to use and simple to understand.

As always, this is just a quick look at just a few of the changes coming with GU33. When the Game Update goes live, we will share a full listing of the update notes, including more detail on the items noted above, and more. Want to discuss this sneak peek? Please share your thoughts in the EQII official forums.