In the GU33 Preview, it was announced that both Coercer's and Conjurer's would be receiving new class hat options, rounding out the entire class hat project. The artwork for both class hats was complete at the time of the preview, needing only minor tweaks to ensure that they were in satisfactory condition as per the art team's direction.

Unfortunately for Coercers, that hat is not quite ready.

Specifically, players using the alternate appearance potion for the Erudite Male model while wearing the new Coercer class hat would discover that their head sticks through the top. This is an issue specific to the Erudite Male character model and not something intended in the final design of the hat.

As you can see in the image above, the end result of this issue looks less than desired for our friends using this character model. Rather than going live with a broken hat appearance, the art team is going to fix the appearance of the Coercer class hat and include it in the next game update in a form that works for all character models.