Real life first name: Secret. No stalkers plz. I had one before and didn't like it one bit.

Forum handle: Bongotez

Main Character name: Bongotezz

Server: Kithicore

Guild: Black Shield

Where in do you live in real life? NY state

How long have you played EQII? a little over 1 year.

What other MMOs have you played? EQ1

What type of work do you do? support for a database program used in AIDS research / bug testing said program.

What is your favorite food and drink to snack on while playing EQII? Potato chips and Pepsi

How long is your typical gaming session when playing EQII? 3 hours. I'd play all day if work didn't get in the way.

What does a typical day in EQII consist of for you? Log in and start doing quests. then do some more quests and if other guildies log in group up and do quests.

What was the race and class of your very first character? Human Ranger

What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most? The first game i played was the old Pong game that hooked up to your TV. My cousins had it. The Atari 2600 was the first console i owned. After i found final fantasy it was hard to play games with no story to them. The shoot them up and fighting games became boring. I like the fantasy type games because they usually have some kind of story or in the case of EQ2 tons of stories.

Pirates, ninjas, vikings, robots, or other?All of the above cause there are cool members of every one of those. Jack Sparrow, Snake eyes, Thor, and the Terminator.

What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other then playing EverQuest II? I love watching movies. I enjoy sci-fi and action the most but only if it has a decent story. I'm a computer nerd so i do like to build/fix/break and just generally play around on the computer. I enjoy making webpages and I have just started making comic strips again.

What is your highest level in EQII? 53

What race and class is your main character? Human Ranger

What do you like the most about the class you have chosen for your main character? I have a blast with my Troubadour. After the Combat revamp she was much more the 'hybrid' type class I enjoyed in EQ1. She has a lot of utility in groups and is versatile enough to solo well. And I get those cool music particle effects. On the Woodworker side, I really enjoy being able to make nice gear affordable to the non-uber-raiding player.

Write us a hilarious haiku:
um haiku? Is that like a pokemon? I like the yellow guy.

Do you craft with any of your characters? If so, what tradeskills?Yes, Jeweler before the crafting nerf and after i started a woodworker, armorsmith and weaponsmith.

How did you choose your main character's name? Well, that's kind of a long story. Way back like 1000 years ago when i first got internet, the first person I met on line was named Bongotez. This person was really cool and we got along great. Then they decided to change their name and insisted on saying that Bongo was dead. So, to mess with this person (cause that's the kind of guy that i am) i took the name Bongotezz. We both laughed and i kept the name. When i first started EQ1 I tried coming up with names but everything was taken so Bongotezz it was. I just kept it for EQ2.

What is your favorite zone? Stormhold. It's just an awsome zone.

What is your favorite NPC to fight? The orcs in Zek. They say cool stuff.

What is your favorite NPC to observe or talk to? There was this kerran female in nettleville that had an awsome voice over. I used to hail her all the time. She said stuff like "how sweet my Tom is to leave such a gift at my doorstep." I haven't seen her in a long time. Probablly removed so the best NPC has to be Fippy Darkpaw 4TH. I cracked up when i found him.

What's the first word that comes to mind when you read: Pepper? salt?

Do you have an item you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons? If so what is it and why do you keep it? Do you mean like all the HQ items hanging in my room? If so what is it and why do you keep it? I keep all room items. I have a room filled with books. There's like 40 of them in there.

What do you like best about EverQuest II? The large number of quests.

What is your favorite or most memorable moment from EverQuest II? When our guild single grouped Emperor Fyst. The highest level we had that night was 43.

Cake, pie, or other? Potato chips

Thank you, Bongotez, for that great interview! Stay tuned to see who will be in next week's Player Spotlight!