Real life first name: Amy

Forum handle: Calthine

Main Character name: Kiana Calsdotter

Server: Nektulos

Guild: Domini Artificium

Where in do you live in real life? Fairbanks, Alaska

How long have you played EQII? Since November 12, 2004 (my Collectors Edition tin got held up by Customs or I would have started at launch, lol)

What other MMOs have you played? Everquest

What type of work do you do? I'm a stay-home Mom. But I've been a wholesale liquor sales rep, a semi-pro musician, a bartender, a receptionist, and a computer tech.

What is your favorite food and drink to snack on while playing EQII?Diet Coke and whatever my kids are eating

How long is your typical gaming session when playing EQII? I'm on and off all day long, harvesting and crafting when the kids and housework allow. When they go to bed I'll manage 3-4 hours in one stretch.

What does a typical day in EQII consist of for you? Paying Checking my mailboxes for crafting orders and filling them; acquiring resources; leveling up whatever Artisan I'm working on; looking for and accomplishing solo quest content; chatting a lot on the Crafting channel.

What was the race and class of your very first character? Kiana is a half-elf Troubadour and Woodworker.

What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most? My husband got me into MMO gaming. He was quite careful to get me hooked on Everquest before he proposed! I enjoy games where I feel I'm an active part of the world, rather than just passing through a passive environment. I prefer a Fantasy setting over a Science Fiction one.

Pirates, ninjas, vikings, robots, or other? Oh, please, Pirates. No contest. Snappy dressers, and they own boats. And that whole dagger-clenched-in-the-teeth thing is, well, kinda sexy.

What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other then playing EverQuest II? Besides raising the kids, I love to cook, I read a lot of science fiction, still mess around with music a little, and at the moment I'm working on the Caster's Realm Tradeskill database (ETA, omg, this is a huge project! Stay tuned).

What is your highest level in EQII? Level 70 Woodworker, level 56 Troubadour

What race and class is your main character? half-elf Troubadour and Woodworker

What do you like the most about the class you have chosen for your main character? I have a blast with my Troubadour. After the Combat revamp she was much more the 'hybrid' type class I enjoyed in EQ1. She has a lot of utility in groups and is versatile enough to solo well. And I get those cool music particle effects. On the Woodworker side, I really enjoy being able to make nice gear affordable to the non-uber-raiding player.

Write us a hilarious haiku:
Writing a haiku
as demanded by Raijinn
my half-elf ears melt.

Do you craft with any of your characters? If so, what tradeskills? Um, maybe just a little... I came to EQ2 for the Crafting; with kids I must be able to leap up from the keyboard with no notice. I have a Level 70 Woodworker, Level 70 Provisioner, Level 51 Sage, and a brand new shiny Level 20 Weaponsmith. My Alchemist had a fatal chemistry accident, may she rest in pieces.

How did you choose your main character's name? Gee, I don't really remember. I recall that I wanted to start fresh and not use my EQ1 main's name. I pronounce it differently than most: Ki-anna with a long "I" instead of rhyming with the car brand Kia.

What is your favorite zone? Do I have to pick one? I like outdoor zones. Rivervale's an old favorite, I'm enjoying Maj'Dul a lot, and the new Adventure pack is very well done.

What is your favorite NPC to fight? Why I'm afraid to pick one... I'd hate to have the others get mad at me. They know where I live.

What is your favorite NPC to observe or talk to? Nathan Ironforge. Rarely has an NPC inspired me to such interaction, what a brat! I finally sent a note to his mother. All she does is stand around the Harbor all day, you'd think she could keep an eye on him. That's what happens when families think they rule a city. Really, some people's kids!

What's the first word that comes to mind when you read: Pepper? The pig in Qeynos Harbor. My 3 year-old son loves looking at the animals in EQ2, and I can't run through the harbor without trying to find Pepper and the little flock of ducks. Don't mention elephants, we'll have to make a run to Sinking sands!

Do you have an item you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons? If so what is it and why do you keep it? My very first rare combine. A conditioned fir round shield. That's right, I blew the combine. But it was the very first rare I harvested and attempted a combine on!

What do you like best about EverQuest II? Living in a dynamic world. Norrath is constantly evolving and growing, but without alienating any one playstyle by becoming all solo, or all raiding as some games have done.

What is your favorite or most memorable moment from EverQuest II? There's a lot, and as I think about it, all my favorites are community/guild oriented. Being the first in Qeynos to Level 60 Woodworker was very cool (and very busy!). Dinging guild level 30 with a lot of people out for Real Life was a major accomplishment. Getting an actual World-Wide discovery gives me a thrill

Cake, pie, or other? I'd maim for a good cheese danish!

Thank you, Calthine, for that great interview! Stay tuned to see who will be in next week's Player Spotlight!