Sometimes it's hard to find the buried treasures contained within the EverQuest II forums. The Treasure Chest highlights useful, insightful, or entertaining posts that you may want to check out. Get your treasure maps and shovels ready--we're about to discover a Treasure Chest!

  • Everyone loves the artwork displayed around the forums. Lunnagirl started a great thread of Pics and Signatures so be sure to check it out!
  • Irras is introducing the next action hero star, Captain Rillian! Watch his new movie trailer today!
  • The Norrathian Homeshow stops in on Gendlyn's Inn Room. The fancy decorations and layout make this loft superb so stop in when you get the chance.
  • Astralmage continues to amaze readers with stories and tales that everyone enjoys. Stop in and read "Splintered Yesterdays" today!