Sometimes it's hard to find the buried treasures contained within the EverQuest II forums. The Treasure Chest highlights useful, insightful, or entertaining posts that you may want to check out. Get your treasure maps and shovels ready--we're about to discover a Treasure Chest!

  • Those who enjoy art can truely admire great work and Shirpa has decided to put on display "kyrax - ratonga brigand" for your viewing pleasure. Be sure to check this one out!
  • The Norrathian Homeshow never fails to deliever and entertaining and skillful display of home decorating. This week is no different as we visit Luck Shatterstar's "Luck's Befallen Manor".
  • What sort of ale will ye be having? Kick back relax and check out Neame's Traveler Tale in "The Friday Knights go to the seaside".
  • So what's your character's story, what makes your character special? Andur has started a great thread "Lets see them character bios!!", so what are you waiting for let's see those bios!