Chris Cao, Senior Game Designer - EverQuest II

What is your favorite feature of Desert of Flames?
PvP.  Without a doubt, the addition of Arena Champions is the most exciting thing we have added to EQII to date.  It brings a whole new level of game play and another dimension of fun to our already massive PvE game.

The gameplay movie for Desert of Flames shows two very impressive dragons, one silver and one gold. Can you tell us more about their story?
I don't want to spoil too much of the story since the tale of these two dragons is central to the major story arc of the expansion.  Suffice it to say that by following the tale of these two shape-changing dragons, players will uncover lost links to the fate of the planes, the secrets behind the origin of djinn magic, and clues to the greater fate of Norrath. 

How does the city of Maj'Dul differ from Qeynos and Freeport?
Maj'Dul is a bandit city run by three bloodthirsty clans.  The streets are never safe, and so adventurers will have to watch themselves at every turn.  Unless you join one of the factions, you're in for a lot of trouble.  And even if you decide to help out a given side, you're sure to make a host of enemies.  All of these disputes, however, can be settled in a not-so-friendly Arena Champions scenario.

What kinds of things can high-level players look forward to in this expansion?
Desert of Flames is targeted at players level 45 to 60.  Since players are currently capped at level 50, there will be a ton of new adventures and quests awaiting high level players.  In addition, we've specifically created three distinct story arcs that will reveal the mysteries behind the expansion and lead to the most challenging raids yet.  But, don't worry, Arena Champions and the challenges it offers will be available to anyone, regardless of level.

What is the coolest part about attending E3?
The opportunity to give the world a sneak peek at all the exciting things to come.  We've been keeping all of this secret for months and now we finally get to show it off!

Steve Danuser aka Moorgard, Community Relations Manager - EverQuest II

What is your favorite feature of Desert of Flames?
I love that we're returning to one of my favorite areas in all of EQ: the Desert of Ro. Being a monk from Freeport , this is the place I spent a lot of my early adventure levels. We've taken the charm and mystique of the original version and multiplied it a thousand. The enemies are deadlier, the landscapes more breathtaking, and the treasure even more spectacular. A monk really feels at home here!

What do you find most visually striking about the expansion pack?
Our artists have done an amazing job with color and lighting, lending a fantastic feel to the entire region. These aren't boring, lifeless deserts; they are vibrant with motion and color. There are breathtaking cliff walls that you can climb, taking you to vistas where the view seems to stretch for miles. Taking a flying carpet ride across the landscape is really amazing.

What features and areas will EverQuest players recognize when they experience Desert of Flames?
One of the first sights players will encounter as they arrive at the docks in the Sinking Sands is the Oasis of Marr. But keep in mind, the landscape of this region has changed a lot in the last 500 years. Just as the Age of Cataclysms brought change to other parts of the Shattered Lands, so has it remade Ro. Still, one of the key landmarks in Oasis is there to strike fear in the hearts of all who approach it!

What new enemies will players encounter as they venture into the Desert of Flames?
Besides spectres, mummies, and various types of desert creatures, there are new threats such as the djinn, sphinxes, and harpies. Plus, you need to watch out for those nasty sand giants! Players will need to do battle with various factions of the Dervish Empire as well, because in Maj'Dul, danger lurks around every corner.

What is the coolest part about attending E3?
The sensory overload is always fun. There is such an air of excitement here as people from around the world come to check out the latest and greatest in the games industry. It's a privilege and a treat to help represent the game I love at a show like this.


Scott Hartsman, Senior Producer - EverQuest II

What is your favorite feature of Desert of Flames?
From my point of view, I really like that it's a complete package with something for everyone.

If you're a level 50 looking for the next place to grow, you can level up here. If you're a just starting out in EQ2, you can play on equal footing with anyone as an Arena Champion.

If you're an artisan, there are plenty of new opportunities to advance.

If you're an explorer, there are a lot of great new places to see.

If pure PvP is your thing, head into the Arenas for some group-on-group Carnage.

In addition to the features, there are more of the things that people all love – Spells, Arts, Tomes, Titles, Tradeskills… you name it.

What can you tell us about Arena Champions, the new player versus player competition in Desert of Flames?
Judging by the noises out in the hallway at 5pm, our daily dev playtests are an exceptionally fun and satisfying way to beat up on your coworkers!

Playing as a monster in the original EverQuest was really a lot of fun for the time it was available. In EQ2, we decided to put an aspect of that into our Arena Champions.

People can play some really fun scenarios against each other in our arenas as Arena Champions (playing as NPCs of different races and classes) and also have the ability for all out conflict in Carnage mode, which is people doing group PvP as their adventure characters.

What does the introduction of climbing add to the gameplay of EverQuest II?
Much like our recent additions of destructible walls and movable objects in dungeons, PC climbing is just one more way we're making the environments of EQ2 a lot more interesting to interact with.

We're always keeping an eye out for new ways to let players really feel like they're playing an important part of a world that's interactive in as many ways as possible.

Why did you choose the Desert of Ro region as the setting for your first expansion?
We looked at the world of EverQuest II that we launched with and decided that there was a big chunk of an area we'd like to do some more with before exiting the mainland and heading off toward other continents like Faydwer or Kunark.

Since we dedicated an expansion to this, we were able to include lore and background from the area that never even made it into the EverQuest. Take EQ's Plane of Sky, for example. There are (until now) untold stories in our expansion that begin to explain what happened in the original EverQuest that led to the Plane's discovery.

In addition to some of the ties from EQ, we're able to show a future where the Dervish Cutthroats from EverQuest were left to their own devices for hundreds of years, and the brutal civilization that formed as a result

Arena Champions are actually their method of enforcing the laws. The dervishes were never much for spirited debate. Or lawyers, for that matter.

What is the coolest part about attending E3?
Finally getting to talk about all of the things we've been thinking about and working on is the best part, by far. It's great to be able to share the details of what we've been up to, and our motivations in doing them.