Shady's Super Savings banner

Shady Swashbuckler has infiltrated the Marketplace and is slashing prices right and left!

A variety of top-selling Marketplace items will be on sale for at least 35% off until October 26, 2011! Get these awesome items now, before it's too late! Here are all of the items that are on sale:

  • Blood Roan Stallion
  • Felwithe Mansion Deed of Ownership
  • Dark Pegasus
  • Incandescent Swiftwing
  • Barbarian Heritage Armor Crate
  • Ethereal, Sinister, and Skeletal prowlers
  • Blue Nightmare with Blue Saddle
  • Wings of the Fallen

Blood Roan Stallion

Blood Roan Stallion

Felwithe Mansion Deed of Ownership

Felwithe Mansion

Dark Pegasus

Dark Pegasus

Incandescent Swiftwing

Incandescent Swiftwing

Barbarian Heritage Armor Crate

Barbarian Heritage Armor Crate

And more!

Please check the in-game Marketplace for specific prices on individual sale items.

To buy these items and more using your Station Cash, just click the SC button in game, or type /marketplace in your chat window.

Need Station Cash? Visit the Station Cash page for information and learn how you can purchase SC online or from a retailer near you.