This week's items will have you traveling Norrath aboard a little black stormcloud, and adding that tinkerer's touch to your home. Check out these new additions to the Marketplace in EverQuest II.
Arcane and Magical Storm Cloud Whistles

Feeling especially grumpy or evil? Storm Cloud Whistles will summon a storm cloud mount providing the gloomiest style of transportation available in Norrath. The Magical variation will add 5 to your Piercing, Ranged, Aggression, Crushing and Slashing. Arcane adds 5 to Ministration, Subjugation, Ordination, Focus and Disruption. Both models increase your speed by 65% and reduce your maximum falling speed. Buy yours today for 2500 Station Cash.

Clockwork Soldier

If you're looking to add a touch of brass to your home, perhaps this Clockwork Soldier is for you. Not guaranteed to do any chores, or...anything really. But they work very well as home security. Did you see that blade? Warranty not included. Take one home for just 100 Station Cash.

Malfunctioning Clockwork Plushie

If clockwork is your room theme, then you'll certainly want this little fellow to add to your decor. The model may be stationary, but watch out...it may be subject to occasional malfunctions. It shouldn't cause any permanent damage, really. The Malfuctioning Clockwork Plushie can be placed in your home or guild hall. Warranty not included. Get yours for the low price of 100 Station Cash.

To buy these items and more using your in-game Station Cash, type /marketplace in game, or click on the EQII button and select Marketplace from the menu.