Official SOE Podcast #74 is Live!!
Official SOE Podcast #74 Join us for the latest Official SOE Podcast! This is Podcast #74 AKA the Gobble-Cast, listen in an interview with EverQuest Designers Elegist and Absor, hear our Thanksgiving Podramedy "We named the cat Emily." This cast includes the top 10 things Gamers are Thankful for as well as insight to what SOE employees do during this time of year in Inside SOE. Let us know what you think at or you head over to the Station Forums and share your opinion with the Community! You can download the MP3 file directly or subscribe to the RSS feed by clicking the button listed below. We have both high and low bandwidth versions available. Or if you have iTunes installed select iTunes store, type SOE into the search box and click Subscribe! High-Bandwidth || Low-Bandwidth || Don’t forget you can find us on and !
Nov 18, 2009

Official SOE Podcast #74
Join us for the latest Official SOE Podcast! This is Podcast #74 AKA the Gobble-Cast, listen in an interview with EverQuest Designers Elegist and Absor, hear our Thanksgiving Podramedy "We named the cat Emily." This cast includes the top 10 things Gamers are Thankful for as well as insight to what SOE employees do during this time of year in Inside SOE. Let us know what you think at or you head over to the Station Forums and share your opinion with the Community!
You can download the MP3 file directly or subscribe to the RSS feed by clicking the button listed below. We have both high and low bandwidth versions available. Or if you have iTunes installed select iTunes store, type SOE into the search box and click Subscribe!
Don’t forget you can find us on
A Beginners Guide to Norrathian Economics
SOE Thankful Turkey Feast: Live On Ustream