25% Bonus Station Cash WEEK!!
Too many cute things on the marketplace to pick just one? Take advantage of our 25% bonus to your Station Cash, this coming week! From 11-23 to 11-29, you can redeem your store bought Station Cash card for a 25% bonus to its face value. For one whole week, players with active accounts in good standing in EverQuest, EverQuest II and Free Realms can take advantage of this special promotional offer from Sony Online Entertainment. Simply purchase any pre-paid Free Realms (don't worry that it says Free Realms, it works for EQ and EQII also!) Station Cash retail game card at any one of our participating retailers and redeem that card during the promotional period for a 25% bonus to your Station Cash. To take advantage of this offer, go to any of our select retail partners: 7-Eleven, Best Buy, Blockbuster, CVS, Rite Aid, Speedway, Target, Toys R Us, or Wal Mart and purchase any pre-paid Free Realms Station Cash retail game card. Redeem your card online through www.station.sony.com during the promotional period. Only cards redeemed between Monday, November 23rd (after 10:00am PST) and Sunday, November 29th (before 10:00pm PST) will receive the 25% Station Cash value bonus. Cards may be purchased anytime in advance, but to receive the promotional Station Cash bonus, cards must be redeemed successfully during the promotional period. Once successfully redeemed, your Wallet Balance will reflect your new pre-paid Station Cash balance plus your bonus 25% Station Cash value. The Station Cash granted through Free Realms starter card packs will not be included in this offer. Thanks to LtDarkstar on the EQII forums for the easy instructions on redeeming your cards: At http://www.station.sony.com/ Click on "MY ACCOUNT" on the top navigation From the drop down menu select "Enter Activation Code" On the Enter Activation Code screen, select "STATION CASH" in the GAME drop down menu and enter your card number in the space provided VOILA! 25% bonus! You can ALSO go to "My Account" ---> "Subscription Info" on the drop down and select the "STATION CASH BALANCE". Then click on "ADD FUNDS" under your account balance. You will see a screen with purchase selections, you want to look at the bottom where it says "OR" ENTER ACTIVATION CODE. You can enter your card number here as well and you will get your bonus points.
Nov 17, 2009

Too many cute things on the marketplace to pick just one? Take advantage of our 25% bonus to your Station Cash, this coming week! From 11-23 to 11-29, you can redeem your store bought Station Cash card for a 25% bonus to its face value. For one whole week, players with active accounts in good standing in EverQuest, EverQuest II and Free Realms can take advantage of this special promotional offer from Sony Online Entertainment. Simply purchase any pre-paid Free Realms (don't worry that it says Free Realms, it works for EQ and EQII also!) Station Cash retail game card at any one of our participating retailers and redeem that card during the promotional period for a 25% bonus to your Station Cash. To take advantage of this offer, go to any of our select retail partners: 7-Eleven, Best Buy, Blockbuster, CVS, Rite Aid, Speedway, Target, Toys R Us, or Wal Mart and purchase any pre-paid Free Realms Station Cash retail game card. Redeem your card online through www.station.sony.com during the promotional period. Only cards redeemed between Monday, November 23rd (after 10:00am PST) and Sunday, November 29th (before 10:00pm PST) will receive the 25% Station Cash value bonus. Cards may be purchased anytime in advance, but to receive the promotional Station Cash bonus, cards must be redeemed successfully during the promotional period. Once successfully redeemed, your Wallet Balance will reflect your new pre-paid Station Cash balance plus your bonus 25% Station Cash value. The Station Cash granted through Free Realms starter card packs will not be included in this offer. Thanks to LtDarkstar on the EQII forums for the easy instructions on redeeming your cards: - At http://www.station.sony.com/ Click on "MY ACCOUNT" on the top navigation
- From the drop down menu select "Enter Activation Code"
- On the Enter Activation Code screen, select "STATION CASH" in the GAME drop down menu and enter your card number in the space provided
VOILA! 25% bonus! You can ALSO go to "My Account" ---> "Subscription Info" on the drop down and select the "STATION CASH BALANCE". Then click on "ADD FUNDS" under your account balance. You will see a screen with purchase selections, you want to look at the bottom where it says "OR" ENTER ACTIVATION CODE. You can enter your card number here as well and you will get your bonus points. |
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Town Crier 11.17.09