Explore Norrath Big Bend
Our journey through Freeport continues with the 'hood of Big Bend. Whilst the name evokes images of grandiose things... Well. Let's just put it this way. Trolls and ogres. Yeah. Read more!
Nov 06, 2009

Our journey through Freeport continues with the 'hood of Big Bend. Whilst the name evokes images of grandiose things... Well. Let's just put it this way. Trolls and ogres. Yeah.
 | Big Bend is just that. Big. It has to be as it houses the trolls and ogres of Freeport. To say that it smells like it houses these interesting beasts is an understatement of massive proportions. Thankfully, it does not directly connect to Longshadow Alley in any way and we are spared. | Fortunately for most of Freeport, Big Bend is actually fairly well isolated. It connects to South Freeport on one side and the Sprawl on the other. It can also be accessed by the convenient bell system, should you ever actually go there voluntarily. It also has the obligatory Theive's Way entrance, which, oddly enough smells better than the 'hood itself. | |  For newly arrived critters, there are mentors located at the docks. They will help to acquaint the brutes with their new home and teach them how to be... good? trolls and ogres. If there is such a thing... |  Here in the center of the city is the Torch of Oggok. As trolls and ogres are fairly primitive, so is their decorating. However, they took a page from dark elves and located everything centrally. |  What crafting our large, smelly friends do, can be accomplished in the Ransacker's Annex. Everything you need to craft rock chairs and log tables can be found here. |  At Da Dirtnap, obviously, the trolls and ogres of Big Bend take their rest. Nearby is the mailbox. It looked a little dusty and unused when we went by and we imagine that there isn't a lot of writing... |  We peeked in the vault at the Big Bend branch of the Freeport Reserve. There wasn't much in the way of gold and treasure, but there was an awful lot of lint and mudballs. |  Even trolls and ogres can learn some things. Here they can upgrade their spells and combat arts. Also situated around town, shoppers will find a local research assistant and many other vendors. | While they aren't the most brilliant citizens of Norrath, the trolls and ogres who inhabit Big Bend have their uses. Make sure to stop here first when looking for someone to carry your bags for a large shopping trip! |
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