That's right! Phase II of the D.I.R.T.Y. excavation in the Sinking Sands is underway! It will run from 10.28.08 until 11.17.08.

Those hard working excavators finally finished unearthing the mysterious and ancient artifact buried beneath the sands.
Now that they know what they've found, it's time to set about recreating it! To that end, they need your help, again.
Your help is urgently needed to aid in the construction of the launch platform and to keep void touched attackers at bay, lest they interrupt construction!

Things you need to know:

The second half of the purple shiny quest is now available and can now be completed!

Some of the quests from Phase I will no longer be available, but there will be new quests to take their places!

Other happy news:

All the quest rewards from Phase I will remain throughout the duration of Phase II.

The coolest thing that you need to know about Phase II of the event,
is that you will be able to see
the progress of the building,
all the way through to completion!