Character name: Jovie Jungle`Elf

Character class and level: 80 Conjuror/80 Sage

Real life occupation: Corporate travel consultant. I book global travel for grumpy people all day long when I'm not on the EQ2 forums!


How did you get started gaming? I started in the early 70's as a kid playing truly old school games and pinball machines at the town hangout. I was the first person in my family to own a pc (an IBM PCjr). I got hooked way early on games like Ultima 1 and 2 and ZORK!! Since then, I have bought just about every console you could imagine, as I could never get enough RPG's! One day while in the local EB Games, the clerk told me about a new game he was beta testing called "Everquest." With his tales of Innothule Swamp as a Troll, combined with my imagination, I could NOT pass this up! I've been hooked on EQ1 and then EQ2 ever since! (I have tried many other mmo's, but none ever could top how I felt about EQ2.)

What's your favourite part of EQII, the thing that keeps you in game? Personally it is the story and history of Norrath. I've been a resident of the planet for almost 10 years now, and the world still fascinates me to this day!


What is your funniest EQII moment? It would have to be the time where I was showing the ropes to a friend who decided to give EQ2 a shot. We were standing on a platform in Kelethin, me on my rhino. As we talked, I was absently moving around, at some point I must have backed up an inch too far and went tumbling off the edge! She had me targeted and saw my health go to just about half way down, thought it must be safe and followed me to her newbie death :P

Any words of wisdom for fellow gamers? If at all possible, try not to keep up with the Jones's. Play the game at your own pace, try your best to see as much of the world as you possibly can without letting it zip on past you. Unlike many other games, life does not begin at end game in EQ2!

Geek credentials? I am the extended family electronics setter upper. If it has cords and wires and ports and plug ins, I get to put it all together!
That and I am the family keeper of the Google.

Something about you that people wouldn't usually guess? I may look like a cute little girly fae, but I only play one in the movies :P