TSO Zone Preview: Befallen Necrotic Asylum, Mistmoore Mistmyr Manor, Miraguls Phylactery Scion of Ice
As you know, Befallen was meant to be a mighty bastion of light within the Commonlands. The Order of Marr's Fist intended for their fortress to combat the orcs and bandits that were overrunning the region. Read more!
Oct 06, 2008

As you know, Befallen was meant to be a mighty bastion of light within the Commonlands. The Order of Marr's Fist intended for their fortress to combat the orcs and bandits that were overrunning the region.
| Befallen, already struggling to maintain its hold and purpose in the Commonlands, was brought low by the very man they thought to be their savior. Gynok Moltor, the Qeynos guardsman, who was cursed by the gnoll shaman, Oppola, destroyed the fortress while in the grip of madness brought on by his curse. |
Gynok's curse spread throughout the fortress and now Befallen sits, ruined, and populated by the undead knights who built it. |
The sparse furnishings reflect, even in its cursed undead state, that Befallen was intended to be a fortress of war. There remains very little evidence of civilization. |  |
 | As you walk through the halls of Befallen, you can see that the ceilings are low lying, hardly taller than an ogre in some places. In addition, you can see the grisly reminders of the corruption that brought the fortress low. |
You can also see, in many places, exposed beams and evidence of excavation. Perhaps that's how the extra undead moved in?

Befallen isn't the only cursed place revealed in The Shadow Odyssey.
 | Enter Mistmyr Manor, if you dare. This lush manor is Mayong Mistmoore's private sanctuary. |
Built and enspelled to perfectly recreate Mayong's life before the vampiric curse took him and his people, Mistmyr lets him escape the cruel reality of his current life. | |
 | Having completed a series of rituals before entering Mistmyr, adventurers are disguised as servants. Only these few are permitted access to Mayong's refuge. |
Servants... and the unfortunate object of Mayong's affections. For now, that woman is Queen Lenya Thex. Perhaps if you can find her, she can help shed light on the mysteries that shroud the manor. | |
 | Mistmyr is populated by the phantoms of Mayong's former life. They carry out the day to day routines they performed in life. Aiding them may well advance your quest for knowledge. |
Are you brave enough to discover Mistmoore's secrets?

Miragul, the most powerful mage in the history of Norrath, feared death and the loss of his accumulated knowledge above all else. A master of all four magical disciplines, Miragul used his knowledge as a necromancer to "cheat death," sealing his spirit and energy into a phylactery while turning his body into a lich.
 | Miragul, despite all of his research, didn't know that his soul was directly connected to his thirst for knowledge, and he has been since been condemned to an eternity of wandering his icy tomb without purpose. |
Miragul's Phylactery is a living entity. Each part of the amazing structure perfectly illustrates his genius. |  |
The Scion of Ice represents two of the four schools of magic mastered by Miragul. Wizardry and enchantment. |
Parts of this dungeon embody all that Miragul learned about wizardry in his studies. Animated elemental spells of fire and ice can be seen everywhere. Animated spell books fly through the air. |
| The other half of the dungeon is given over to the school of enchantment. Here dwell such creatures as the valkyrie and minotaur. |
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The journey through this beautiful, yet deadly, zone eventually leads to Miragul's menagerie of souls. The icy menagerie is as beautiful and terrifying as its guards. Two powerful sphinxes. |
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