NuRoga The Shadow Odyssey Zone Preview
During the Age of Cataclysms, much of the winding mines of Nurga and the Temple of Droga were destroyed. A powerful earthquake brought down most of the old caverns, crushing hundreds of goblins and Chief Gudar, their leader at the time. The surviving goblins soon began to fight amongst themselves. Members of the Nurgan tribe denounced magic as the cause of the "big shakies" that destroyed their home. They turned from magic and mysticism to more practical pursuits, such as tinkering. Read More!
Sep 09, 2008
| During the Age of Cataclysms, much of the winding mines of Nurga and the Temple of Droga were destroyed. A powerful earthquake brought down most of the old caverns, crushing hundreds of goblins and Chief Gudar, their leader at the time. The surviving goblins soon began to fight amongst themselves. Members of the Nurgan tribe denounced magic as the cause of the "big shakies" that destroyed their home. They turned from magic and mysticism to more practical pursuits, such as tinkering. | |
Not all of the survivors shared this belief. A young Drogan shaman named Tuz'Rak claimed to have been visited by an earth spirit called Nuthuddh one day while scavenging in the Frontier Mountains. Tuz'Rak was told that his people's lack of faith and proper worship had brought down the disaster on their home and that more would come should they continue to ignore the earth spirits.
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| To prove that Nuthuddh had indeed visited him with this news, Tuz'Rak showed his clansmen a magnificent glowing crystal. This crystal, the Gift of Nuthuddh, had been given to Tuz'Rak to inspire the goblins and so that he might use the great power it possessed. Any who failed to recognize the power of Nuthuddh, and by extension, Tuz'Rak, would be swallowed up by the "biggest shaky" ever felt! | |
The Drogan clan embraced this news and seeking to honor the earth spirit, Nuthuddh, began to rebuild their temple into a colossal monument. Tuz'Rak, now High Shaman, oversaw the construction of the Temple of Nu'roga and recruited his most zealous shaman to help him unleash the energy, supposedly, found within the Gift of Nuthuddh. | | |
 | The Temple of Nu'Roga, now nearly complete, stands as an impressive feat, especially as it was created by mere goblins! By Tuz'Rak's decree, outsiders are not welcome inside the temple's holy grounds. Adventurers foolish, or inquisitive, enough to venture inside are immediately assulted by Tuz'Rak's vehement followers. What secrets does the testament of Drogan mysticism hold? Will you be the one to discover the mysteries? | |
Legends of Norrath - Ethernauts
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