With so much information being posted in the EQII Official Forums at all times, it can be very hard to keep up with it and very easy to miss some real gems and opportunities to share. Have no fear though; the Treasure Chest is here to highlight interesting, unusual, and humorous posts, as well as opportunities to help your fellow player with a question or two!


Treasure of Knowledge!

If you want to make your playing experience a little more personalized, look here for some tips on UI window resizing.

So you've hit level 60 and you need new spells. What are the best versions and where do you get them? Click here for advice.


Lore Galore

There's been some buzzzzz about Guk lately. Interested in a little discussion and history of this ancient city?

If you need a refresher on the Tome of Destiny, we've got some handy information here.


There's no place like home!

If you're feeling nautical, check out A Pirate's Cove and Thliene's Waterworld.

Norrathian Homeshow goes international this week, with Arianni's Super Happy Funtime Food Pavilion!

And here, in no particular order, we present a varied selection of Norrath's homes, and give thanks to their desginers for sharing them with us!

And finally, some good news for our decorators: Scaling size furniture!!!


Did we happen to miss anything of note over this past week of informational or entertaining note? Did you simply want to chat about this recent Treasure Chest? You can do so here in the EQII Official Forums!