With so much information being posted in the EQII Official Forums at all times, it can be very hard to keep up with it and very easy to miss some real gems and opportunities to share. Have no fear though; the Treasure Chest is here to highlight interesting, unusual, and humorous posts, as well as opportunities to help your fellow player with a question or two!

Treasure of Knowledge!

Want to hear what people are saying about the new Vivox in-game audio chat system? Check out Autenil's thread for Q&A and discussion. If you've had a chance to try it out on the Test server, be sure to go leave feedback here.

Arrr ye a roleplayer? Xaxaz has questions about roleplaying in an MMO and rules (or are they more like guidelines?) for playing along.

Have you been to Fan Faire in past years? Do you have some great stories to tell? Amnerys is looking for Fan faire memories to share with the community. Go help her out!

Lore Galore!

Xalmat has put together a comprehensive list of (known) Norrathian languages. If you're something of a polyglot, check out this helpful guide!

Interested in learning more about the ongoing lore of EverQuest II? Gnobrin recently posted A Storm of Sorrow, Part 2, and players are discussing it over here.

Ever wonder what the leaders of Norrath do when they're not busy ruling their domains? Zabjade does, and started the Personalities and Hobbies of the Leaders of Norrath thread for your ideas.

There's no place like home!

Viscaria has some really creative ideas when it comes to decorating a Kelethin home. Stop by and check it out, and see some of the newest Norrathian furniture on display.

Oh, dear. When the cat's away, the pets will play! Look what Tamalain found upon returning home one evening.

Merci has shared a peek into Baya's Hall on the Kithicor server. Not only is the armor display case really cool, but the hot tub looks heavenly to soak in!

Jaldae has an obvious talent for home decorating, and you can see the hard work paid off in Jaldae's Hall.


Did we happen to miss anything of note over this past week of informational or entertaining note? Did you simply want to chat about this recent Treasure Chest? You can do so here in the EQII Official Forums!