Shadow Maw Restaurant - 1 Freedom Rd.(Venekor)


Visiting the Shadow Maw Restaurant was a little questionable since I had to pass by the local "flavor" of Freeport. Sure, the guard ruffed this lil' gnome up, but what can you expect from Lucan's finest? I had my proper papers to show that I was there for a reason, so I didn't have to spend the eve in one of Freeport's finest hoosegows. The rough treatment did nothing to dull the sharp stabbing hunger pains in this gnome's stomach, and since I didn't wish to feel that very same into my back, into the Shadow Maw I went!


Upon entering the establishment, I was greeted by the ole' skull and crossbones visitors desk. I imagine that it's ready for those nights when the tables are as scarce as pity on these dismal streets of this Brell-forsaken city, thankfully this wasn't one of those evenings and the pub was empty. The smell of hearty soups and broths wafted past my prodigious nose as I passed by the stairs down to the kitchen, but that was not my first stop, I was headed to the dining room.

Nearby, there was a quaint stage area arranged with a very impressive weaponry wall, with the local guild's crest arranged in the display with all manner of sharp and deadly implements. The symbol in question was a skull made with daggers, kukris, clubs and other instruments of pain that, if this gnome had a tail, would have sent it cowering between my legs.

The main dining room was nicely laid-out, with a warming fireplace off to one side, and the petite candles spread around the room shed just enough light to know your food's arrived, but not enough to really permit you to see what you may of been given... good touch, knowing this city's choices of "fine cuisine"! This gnome can imagine that during the normal hours of business, the close by bar would be flowing with all manner of ales and spirits but since I'd dropped in off-hours, it was quiet.

The smell of the restaurant specialty soups met me once more, drawing my attention back to the stairs down to the kitchen. I deftly dodged the tavern's security-beaver... perhaps the smell of gear-grease wasn't something it savored, having left me be to then progress further down the stairs. The kitchen was sparsely decorated, with open fire pits for barbecue, a meat-drying rack as well as some still-fresh pumpkins! The nearby still was in great working order (I tightened a few bolts though, hopefully that helped it from wobbling and to stop that noise it was making), with some very potent-smelling brew still trickling through the pipes. After patting the scowling security-beaver on the way by, I travelled back up the stairs, through the dining room and then up to the third floor.


If the food isn't your forte, perhaps some books are more up your alley! The Shadow Maw has a wonderful selection of reading material, second only to the South Branch of the Freeport library. Sadly, it's as organized as that warehouse… err, I mean library is, but the selection in this pile is top-notch! Right nearby too, is a grand piano for those with a musical taste or for those that simply want a little light music to overshadow the usual screams of those lucky few being "ended" in Freeport's back alleys.


I needed a little fresh air after getting this gnomish nose full of "ole' tome" scent, so I headed to the Shadow Maw's outside parlor! It seems that they were prepping for a major party at the time, with still delicious treats and drinks set up as well as a steaming roasted bird on the table. Nearby, other tables were arranged for chess and other games... perhaps this was to be a gaming tourney planned? Hopefully they gained the right licenses (and paid off the right guards) to hold such a get-together within the walls of Freeport.

Overall, the Shadow Maw restaurant was a sight to behold! Many nooks were prepped for entertainment and good times… thankfully too, the local Burynai is potty-trained.