A well worn traveler of the lands known as the Town Crier journeys lands near and far seeking out the latest in EverQuest II news and information. Join us once again as the Crier returns from his latest journeys, filled with news and information from all around those strange lands. One never knows what new secrets his stories will hold!

Fansite Finds!

Allakhazam's Permadeath challenge is still going on strong! For those that need a little more "extreme" in your life, read up on that concept!

Events that are nifty to play and that are easy to make and run? Is it too good to be true? The folks at Allakhazam are taking a tally of events you might want to see that would be easy in implementation as well as fun to take part in!

If you missed last week's devchat on Stratics, they've posted the log of it for your enjoyment! What did Aerilik say about Coercers and upcoming class changes? What did Domino say about upcoming tradeskill revamps? If you're burning to know, try this on for size!

TenTonHammer's been great with guides, and this week's no exception! You've got a choice of the most holy of classes to the most deranged of classes with the recent updates to their Paladin and their Necromancer guides!

Now for something a little different...

What does it take to arrange an update? What are the thought processes of that information mastermind, collecting bits and bytes from the development team to then change your gameplay? Jennifer "Kirstie" Gerull, Associate Producer of EQII has updated the EQII devblog this week to let you know those very things!

Blog's Ahoy!

What does a person do when they suffer from an acute case of Norrathian Overload? Just how do you deal with a marathon session over a bonus XP weekend, to then come out of it alive?

When I saw this title, in being a player myself, I was set aback... the thought of "Why Developers Should Treat Players Like Zoo Animals"? I do have to admit though, the folks at mmognation.com do have a good point when you get to the core of it.

There are a few folks out there that love their screenshots, and Rao from raoworld.wordpress.com is certainly no exception! If you want to get in line for the Magical Screenshot Tour, step right up!

The environment is a big topic now, with knowing your carbon footprint... but since we're residents of the world of Norrath, we have more important things to dwell on. Kendricke from clockworkgamer.com wants to know, what about your DPS footprint?

And that brings us to the end of another riveting Town Crier! If there's anything of entertaining or informational note that our intrepid traveler may of missed or if you simply want to chime in your two coppers, please drop in at the EQII Official Forums! Please remember to tip your waitress.