A well worn traveler of the lands known as the Town Crier journeys lands near and far seeking out the latest in EverQuest II news and information. Join us once again as the Crier returns from his latest journeys, filled with news and information from all around those strange lands. One never knows what new secrets his stories will hold!

Fansite Finds!

Don't forget the upcoming "House of Commons" devchat on Stratics on Friday April 18th at 4:00pm PDT! You can find out all about that devchat here!

If you're a new Mystic and you're looking for some answers to what you can do, what to expect and what you'll be getting in regards to abilities through your career, be sure to stop over to TenTonHammer and their recently updated Mystic guide! This guide will show you the basics, how to survive in combat, quests you can seek as well as what spells you'll be getting!

Be sure to mark EVERY Tuesday on your calendars so you don't miss Zanadi and The Dellmon's EQ2's-day livecast from 4-6pm PDT and then The Jethal Show soon following at 7-9pm PDT! You'll be hard-pressed to find another way to spend 6 hours of your life in any other way!

The realm of hate has only just recently opened and TenTonHammer has already explored its hateful cracks and recesses to give you a very in-depth walk-through! In this article, you'll see what creatures inhabit that locale as well as what you might need to know to hopefully survive your own forays through the shard!

Blog's Ahoy!

What do you do when your memory's leaking faster then a nose during cold season? Thankfully, we have "the Kriegshauser" to save the day (and our memory)!

Raid leading is certainly not for the faint of heart, but does that permit you to be the proverbial screaming father at their kids' soccer game? Do they have the right to rave, spit and swear to get through a raid?

Just how can you truly roleplay when you're dealing with instanced gameplay? Jim Moreno's tackled this interesting quandary in "RoleCraft: Instanced Roleplaying"!

Sometimes you just have to grab all the loot you can and not take "hey that's mine" for an answer... oh, what? That's wrong?

The wilds are a scary place to wander and adventure in, but is it anything like real life? Do designers camp and truly take in what it's like to be in that verdant forest that they put ingame? Jonathan Steinhauer's got an opinion about it, and it's in parts!

And that brings us to the end of another riveting Town Crier! If there's anything of entertaining or informational note that our intrepid traveler may of missed or if you simply want to chime in your two coppers, please drop in at the EQII Official Forums! Please remember to tip your waitress.