Treasure of Knowledge!

To start out into the world is indeed a wondrous time, one that can indeed lend a feeling of immortality and power. Soon though, such feelings are quelled by the blade, spell and boot of enemies you'd never met prior. Doc4 has pondered this point, just now at the cusp of their adventures, ready to plunge into the post 20th level range. Do you have any input to bestow on this still young traveler?

To wrap yourself in the trappings of your guild is something that we've all yearned for, and Seagoat has provided us with a means to make that a semi-reality! If you want to try your hand at a guild cloak, try their Guild Cloak Designer Tool!

Playing favorites is always fun, and it's certainly something that's been going around the forums lately! From favorite casters, favorite monsters and even favorite sounds ingame, if you have a bias, there's somewhere in our forums to make that preference heard!

It's Wednesday again, and the reigning dictatorship of DPS has been called into question once again! Just what class is the damage dealing all-time best? BiggiEQ2 has thrown the gauntlet into the ring this time, after the dust settles who shall be the winner?

Lore Galore!

The Field of Bone is rife with the bones of Dragons and other legendary creatures... and some are not resting well. When the night falls upon that cursed place, the spirit of the great Jaled Dar can be seen. How is that creature that big? Why must he be bound to that location, never able to pass on to the afterlife? Do you have any information that might shed some light on this topic?

There is "A Passionate Prayer To the Queen of Love", should she be listening... We approach spring and the time of love, shall she be present to lead her followers to a better time?

Did we happen to miss anything of note over this past week of informational or entertaining note? Did you simply want to chat about this recent Treasure Chest? You can do so here in the EQII Official Forums!