Greetings to all! I am Gnobrin Gearbender, gnomish tinkerer by trade! I've heard of some new and exciting developments in the realm of house items, so I sought out residents of the dark city of Neriak as well as the tree-swinging city of Kelethin to find out more. The rumors that have come to my attention say that there's new house-specific items soon to be sold by the tradeskill factions in those two cities, new torches and tapestries for Neriak and a new archway and forest flower from Kelethin!

I've traveled past the dangerous forests of Nektulos and traversed the hills and paths of Darklight to speak to a dark elf named Kyri Velkyn, my contact within Neriak.

Gnobrin: Miss Velkyn, can you explain to me and our readers what brought about these new additions to the dungeons.. err, I mean homes of Neriak?

Kyri: That's "Acquisitions Expert" to you, gnome; see my title? And this rank wasn't earned from hugging trees and picking flowers, I can assure you! It takes dedication and hours of hard work appropriating… liberating I mean, vital supplies needed by the Dark Bargainers. Yes, there's a reason people come from all over Norrath to trade with the Dark Bargainers, and it's because we acquire nothing but the highest quality merchandise for resale! ...often for fast resale at bargain prices.

Gnobrin: Before the previous owner can locate them, you mean? No, no... don't answer that. And if you wouldn't mind moving your hand away from your belt knife... ah yes, thank you. Now, I recall that Neriak's been a closed city until very recently. Was it the influx of new trade items to the city that brought about these wondrous additions, or are these the ancient skills of the Dark Elves only now coming to light?

Kyri: Why, neither! You'll find high quality goods such as these all over the city, the teir'dal have always been highly talented craftsmen, indeed far superior to the inferior races. It's just that a surplus of unguarded, that is to say, unneeded goods and a marketing opportunity seem to have coincided, allowing me to now offer you these fine wares at truly bargain prices.

Gnobrin: So what would it take to purchase such items for my own home?

Kyri: Why, I'm sure we can work out a special price just for any citizen of Neriak, of course you have to keep in mind that the merchandise is of exceptionally fine quality and available nowhere else in Norrath at all... leading to what we in the Dark Bargainers refer to as a classic example of the ideal supply and demand configuration, which is to say, I have the supply, and you have the demand. So.... how much platinum exactly did you say you're carrying at the moment?

Gnobrin: Um… well, let's discuss that after the interview? Now, being a curious gnome, I have to ask... do you expect that any other interesting and unusual crafted items may come to light in your sales inventory in the future?

Kyri: We've just received news of a warehouse down in the Third Quarter district that may have been left unlocked, so I'll get back to you on that. You never know what fine merchandise may become available for the right price. Be sure to check back often for bargains! For the glory of Innoruuk, of course.

Gnobrin: Thank you for your time, Miss, er, Acquisitions Expert Kyri! I appreciate the time you've taken, and before I am flayed alive, I shall take leave of you and your dangerous city. Was there anything more you'd like to add?

Kyri: Actually, I don't suppose you can source me some tinkered lockpicks, can you? We may be able to work out a mutually beneficial arrangement...



Kelethin, magnificent sprawling city in the trees, is a wonder of natural science the likes of which this gnome has never seen before! This curious locale is the location of my second contact, the Fay tradesman named Yono Sylnu.

Gnobrin: Mr. Sylnu, ' tis a wonder that someone could have fabricated such a marvel, that being this beautiful arch and forest flower. Can you explain what it took to create such things?

Yono: Well, we may not be using "fabrication" in quite the same way as a gnome such as yourself would mean it. There are no springs, sprockets, or gears in these lovely creations, no indeed! Rather, we artisans work with nature and train the plants to grow in the right shapes from a young age. See how the buds and tendrils entwine around this supporting archway? Once the plants are mature, they are carefully harvested and enchanted to remain fresh and living when you place them in your home.

Gnobrin: Our readers will surely desire to know what, besides being a resident of this towering city, is required to purchase these items for our own use?

Yono: Can one put a price on nature's beauty? Preposterous! Those wishing to cherish these beautiful works of living art in their own homes will first need to convince the society of their worthiness to care for such a treasure Once that is demonstrated, we can discuss the details. The worth of such glories of nature cannot be expressed in mere gold coin.

Gnobrin: This gnome can imagine that it takes a great amount of material to create the arch... Might you worry that the amount of wood may decimate the local tree population?

Yono: Fear not, the archway supports are constructed entirely of storm-felled lumber, and lumber obtained from the selective pruning of sustainably managed groves.

Gnobrin: I am a tinkerer at heart, not a green-thumb. What care and feeding must I take to ensure that this forest flower stays fresh and vibrant?

Yono: The care the plants have received during their training, and the enchantments placed on them when they are transplanted into your home, should ensure they stay fresh and healthy for as long as you own your home.

Gnobrin: I thank you kind Yono, for the time you've taken to answer my questions! Was there anything more you'd like to add?

Yono: A pleasure to make your acquaintance, it's good to meet a gnome with a healthy respect for nature.


Thankfully when I left Kelethin, I only stumbled out of the lift and not from the great heights to my grisly demise! Unless I am caught by the dragoons of Neriak in the meantime, I'll be back again when information arises! If you wish to chat about my recent forays into Neriak or Kelethin, please let me and your fellow adventurers know through the official EQII forums!