With so many posts happening in the EQII Official Forums at all times, it can be very hard to keep up with them all, and very easy to miss some real gems and opportunities to share. Have no fear though; the Treasure Chest is here to highlight interesting, unusual, and humorous posts, as well as opportunities to help your fellow player with a question or two.

Treasures of information!

For those of us that are just starting out, or those of us that are long-time adventurers but are seeking a new means to start an exploring alt, Quantum_Trobon's thread of "Which Class should I play for exploration?" gives some outstanding information as well as player feedback!

Some adventurers simply can't resist the call of the ever elusive "glowy", packing their pockets full with bones, stones and other bits of fancy. So, what can you do with those items to gain the best benefit for your character? Mortac has given us a great thread in regards to getting the best experience bang out of your collection bucks!

For those of us with our heads more often in the clouds then our feet are on the ground, Saarum has given us some grand wishes for possible benefits due to repeated air-travel.

Lore, ahoy!

Who were the mysterious Sand elves, and where they are in the lore of Norrath? Delreth has raised this very interesting question, and their fellow adventurers have had a wonderful discussion in regards to that lore and history.

Shadowed men, and those that love them. (their lore, that is...) The mysterious pull of those creatures has spawned many a post, hopefully to shed some light on that very questionable history. Do you know where they may of come from or what they're doing here? Daine and Amana's posts may help to bring answers to these very questions!

Now, that's how it's done!

Klein has offered us an awesome way to voice an event, to not only give us all the information we'll need as well as warning those that may be in the vicinity at the time of the event, but doing it in an extremely imaginative way!

It looks like we have reached the bottom of yet another Treasure Chest! If you spotted any good loot… err, I mean threads that we missed, share them with us in this feedback thread.