This past Saturday was the date for the second annual SOE Block Party held in conjunction with the San Diego Comic Con. As tens of thousands of people descended upon Southern California to check everything out at the convention center, SOE opened up the doors of the home office and invited everyone over for a party!

Getting to the Block Party was very easy for Comic Con attendees. SOE set up busses on a schedule, and had people on hand making sure that it was easy to find the free ride to the party.

SOE Block Party Bus

Block Party offered a very unique opportunity to talk with the development team and to get a glimpse at the future for some of our games. For EQII Players Block Party offered the chance to get a viewing of Timorous Deep from the coming Rise of Kunark expansion. Steve 'Saavedra' Kramer was on hand to show the new starting area off to everyone who stopped by, and put in hours at the EQII kiosk answering questions.

The EQII Kiosk

Block Party was more than just a chance to show off RoK for EQII though, food, drinks, activities for the younger gamers, and more were available. Including a live band headed up by members of SOE staff and a table full of prizes for people who came out to take part in our Block Party.


Alan 'Brenlo' Crosby was the M.C. and made sure everyone had a chance to nab a prize throughout the day.


Also, as a special bonus, many visitors to the SOE Block Party got to see a sneak peek of our upcoming game, The Agency. This was a first time opportunity for the general public to sit down, watch a video of the game, and hear what's in store from dev team members.

For me, this was a very special event as it was my first opportunity to hang out with players of our games and socialize. It was a great warm up for Fan Faire, and a wonderful time. There were a good number of EQII team members on hand, and I did everything I could to make sure that anyone who came with a question left with an answer. It was also a lot of fun to see people's first reactions to the Sarnak models.

If you were able to stop by, thanks for coming out! It was great to meet you and share some fun about the game. Tell everyone what you thought in the Block Party thread!
