With so many posts happening in the EQII Official Forums at all times, it can be very hard to keep up with them all, and very easy to miss some real gems and opportunities to share. Have no fear though; the Treasure Chest is here to highlight interesting, unusual, and humorous posts, as well as opportunities to help your fellow player with a question or two.

Do you have any feedback for touching up the Commonlands? Gallenite is looking for specific feedback on quest related content in this thread.

Think PvP players are just hooligans who can't help but trash talk and go berserk? You may want to check out this thread where a rumored change to PvP is discussed, and the different theories about PvP are debated (skill vs. level for instance).

Do the characters people play in games say anything about who they are in life? Netcaitiff asks this question in an interesting thread about how personalities and game choices may match up. Do you match the stereotypes?

Heroic Opportunities, Vorlak asks if you use them, and what you like and dislike about them in this thread. Share your thoughts.

Why do the PvP players like the game? Siphar started an EQ2 appreciation thread in the PvP forums to explore just what draws people into the game. Even if you don't play PvP it's a great read, and a chance to chime in with your own reasons.

Want to know more about Sarnak lore? You aren't alone. In this thread players discuss the origins of the Sarnac, and elicit a playful question from Jindrack.