Ready your ears for it is time to hear the latest from our Town Crier. Far and wide are the lands the crier has traveled in search of the latest news, information, and gossip about EverQuest II. This week the crier is inundated with guides and information, listens to voices from afar, and visits bloggers new and known!

Fansites Familiar

There are those realms well known to many travelers fond of EverQuest II. These sites offer a great deal of information for your reading and entertainment. Naturally, these are the first places the Crier stops for quick information.

The Battle Mage has a new comic up for your reading pleasure. It's entitled "Wings to the Rescue!!" and highlights one Fae's attempt to prove that she does belong in Freeport.

Our friends at the Druid's Grove offered the crier information about an infamous druid for their series known as "Better Know a Druid"

The Ten Ton Hammer then came down hard and pummeled the Town Crier with an impressive volume of zone guides for places around Norrath including the Halls of Fate, Sanctum of the Scaleborn, Zek, the Orcish Wastes, a Guide to Castle Mistmoore, and a guide to Templar Weaponry.

EQ2 Allakhazam also regaled the Crier with a pair of FAQ's concerning the secondary tradeskills Transmuting and Tinkering.

Guides and FAQ's not your cup of soup? Head on over to EQ2 Warcry and read "Moving Forward" based on interview with Scott Hartsman.

Also, be sure to head to the EQ2I Site. It has been upgraded with new features for the benefit of all.

Whispers on the Ether

Strange voices carried on the winds and lured the Town Crier next into the lands of the podcasters. The EQ2-Daily podcast recently celebrated its 40th iteration! Keeping with their traditional format, the EQ2-Daily team shared 40oz of low quality ale as they recorded their thoughts on the game.

The VirginWorlds podcast covered the recent Indie MMO Game Development Conference. While not related directly to EQII the Virgin Worlds podcast is definitely of high interest to MMO connoisseurs.

The Blog Lands

Our friends in the bloglands were especially active in recent days. The entire concept of heroism in a MMO was discussed, new blogs arrived, and others continued to report on their in game experience.

Cuppytalk asks "I need a hero?" The Common Sense Gamer replies "We Don't Need Another Herrrroooo" saying, "MMO's are a different animal from single player games..."

Looking beyond heroism, Gaff weighs the decision to go through betrayal to bring his two toons together.

MmoQuests talks about customer service experiences, and demonstrates that good things can come from them.

Looking for more game focused adventure? Leo's EQ2 Journey celebrates the acquisition of his fabled leggings!

Also working the high end of the game, the Timesink blog talks about their raid on the Laboratory of Lord Vyemm.

New friends were found by the Town Crier this week. The MMO Explorer begins his journey. Randumblings also kicks off a new blog. Be sure to visit both and say "Hello!"

Looking for laughs? Ogrebear has a hilarious post about scaring newbies for your reading pleasure.

Exhausted from his journeys, the Town Crier then slumped into his chair over a large tankard of ale.
