Hark! Be that the Town Crier I spy? He brings us tidings from the far reaches of Norrath's influence. Be they dismal, strange, or otherwise? Let's find out!

News and Strange Tidings

Hearing the WarCry, the crier ranged over and discovered a fine video demonstrating the differences and similarities in the Estate of Unrest between EverQuest I and EverQuest II. It is a fine video to be watching, and one that will surely give pangs of nostalgia to those who knew the zone in the days of old.

The fine folks over at Ten Ton Hammer have a new guide up that will help many sort out where to start the varied Legend & Lore quests that are now tied to Mster Strikes. If you have any doubts about where to find a particular book, this is a great place to check for help.

Never one to miss an opportunity to make data collection simple and painless, the mystical Allakhazam has taken advantage of the new in-game web browser to add new search functionality. If you wish to search an item you have targeted on the Allakhazam website, you can create a macro with "/browser http://eq2.allakhazam.com/search.html?q=%T" as it's command line and search while you are in the game!

The Best Medicine

Need some comic relief to make the long days short? Well, if you haven't found TheBrasse.com yet, there's a fine comic strip to be read which will give you many a chuckle. Give the link a click and share in a few laughs.