Sometimes it's hard to find the buried treasures contained within the EverQuest II forums. The Treasure Chest highlights useful, insightful, or entertaining posts that you may want to check out. Get your treasure maps and shovels ready--we're about to discover a Treasure Chest!

  • In The Journal of Karite S'Therik, Khasirath shares the journal of a female Shadow Knight as she ventures into the world as an adult, and learns of the differences between her childhood education and the realities of Norrath.
  • Theblackrabbit shows us that no home is complete without a bathtub in a post demonstrating great ability in making great use of existing assets to create something totally new. This is just another great example of how skilled the interior designers in the community are. Great work!
  • Proving that the fan art forum shows incredible diversity and talent, Inquizitor shares a musical art piece representing a pvp fight between a Dirge and a Troubador. Shackleton1 also pushed the envelope in a flurry of EQII videos, including the mini-film noire entitled, 'The Traitor.'
There are a lot of great fan contributions hiding in the forums, be sure to check them out and encourage your favorites!