On Monday, January 8th, members of the 'Second Dawn' guild from the Najena server accomplished a world wide first when they defeated 'Wuoshi' an Epic level encounter in EQII. I wanted to take a moment to congratulate the guild on the accomplishment, and also cornered Exill, the Guild Leader of Second Dawn, for a few quick questions about this accomplishment.

Approaching Wuoshi Closing In

How does it feel to set a game wide first for this epic?
Well, I know my hands were shaking. It's the best adrenaline rush you can possibly get from a video game. Honestly, this kind of feeling is what we play for.
How long did you prepare the guild for this encounter?
We were in the zone for a long time but the actual preparation for the fight was well over 12 hours. Once we saw Wuoshi we couldn't get him out of our heads until he was down.
What planning went into the guild event?
The raid was scheduled a week ahead of time. After entering the zone we did not finish by the time we had first planned. I then told people "No more then 2 hour long raid, I promise" to get them to show up the next day. Needless to say, the raid ended up going much longer then 2 hours.
How many attempts did it take to get through it successfully?
We were in there for 4 days, if you want to try and do the math.
Can you give me some highlights about the things the guild enjoyed the most?
Sweet jams on team speak and the drunken gnome ninja pulling. Although more then a few people would say gating out was what they enjoyed the most. Lol.
What elements of the encounter proved the most surprising?
I'll leave that up for other guilds to find out, wouldn't want to ruin the surprise.
Does the guild feel that the rewards for defeating Wuoshi matched the effort involved?
The fabled class set legs that he dropped were amazing. The rest could have been better taking difficulty and time into account. The real reward was the kill.
How does Wuoshi compare to other epic creatures in the game that the Second Dawn has taken down?
One of the more challenging encounters to date, but getting to him was half the battle. It took a lot of endurance from everyone to make it that far.
Pirates/Ninjas or Robot Zombies?
Unicorns from Candy Mountain. Charllllliiiieeeee!
Cake or Pie?
Definitely Cheesecake!

Guild Pose Chilling

The entire EQII team would like to congratulate Second Dawn on their takedown of Wuoshi! We also appreciate that they were also cool enough to share a video of the accomplishment with us: