EQII Developer Chat with the EQII team in the Pirates CSG Lobby!

Scott Hartsman, Senior Producer for EverQuest II, and members of the EQII Development Team will be in the Pirates CSG Online lobby at 4:00pm (PST) on Friday, January 5th. The team will be fielding questions from players about Echoes of Faydwer, Frostfell, and live events in general for EQII. Don’t miss this chance to have your questions answered.

To participate in the chat visit the http://piratesonline.station.sony.com/download.vm website and download the free game client. Hang out in the lobby before and after the chat to play practice matches with other players, or members of the SOE team.

  1. Enter the game.
  2. On the "Choose Your Heading" welcome screen, click on the ‘Pirates CSG Online’ section in the lower right corner. (Not the Davy Jones Locker one in the top right corner!)
  3. Close the ‘Player Tips’ window.
  4. Click on ‘Casual Games’ which is just right of center.
  5. Select ‘Broken Key’ from the selection of lobbies. Broken Key should be the second lobby down on the list.
  6. You are now in the Dev Chat lobby. Relax and enjoy the chat!