Tradesbear Yun Zi is ready with a new quest for you this morning! This week, he'll have you travelling to Zek, the Orcish Wastes. Manage to complete his exploration tasks, and you will find yourself handsomely rewarded with the Foundation of Tol'Ren adornment, Divine Crit Bonus Grant, an earring and bracers, and the Days of Summer 2018 Decoration Pack 6 (which is truly fit for a hero).

As always, you must ensure that you have already completed all of Yun Zi's previous quests in order to take on this new task.

Yun Zi will have another quest ready for you on Tuesday, October 2, at 12:01AM PT... it certainly has been a long summer, hasn't it? Quests will continue to unlock each Tuesday until 9 weeks of quests have been released and summer finally comes to an end.


Grab your gear, adventurer, and head out into Zek!